Of God and Gods
By:Jan Assmann
Published on 2008-06-17 by Univ of Wisconsin Press
For thousands of years, our world has been shaped by biblical monotheism. But its hallmark—a distinction between one true God and many false gods—was once a new and radical idea. Of God and Gods explores the revolutionary newness of biblical theology against a background of the polytheism that was once so commonplace. Jan Assmann, one of the most distinguished scholars of ancient Egypt working today, traces the concept of a true religion back to its earliest beginnings in Egypt and describes how this new idea took shape in the context of the older polytheistic world that it rejected. He offers readers a deepened understanding of Egyptian polytheism and elaborates on his concept of the “Mosaic distinction,” which conceives an exclusive and emphatic Truth that sets religion apart from beliefs shunned as superstition, paganism, or heresy. Without a theory of polytheism, Assmann contends, any adequate understanding of monotheism is impossible. Best Books for General Audiences, selected by the American Association of School Librarians, and Best Books for Special Interests, selected by the Public Library Association
This Book was ranked at 38 by Google Books for keyword god.
Book ID of Of God and Gods's Books is 5Dj07EeFI9QC, Book which was written byJan Assmannhave ETAG "bU+bhhHGCd8"
Book which was published by Univ of Wisconsin Press since 2008-06-17 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780299225537 and ISBN 10 Code is 0299225534
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Book which have "208 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryHistory
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