Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Conversations with a bald woman

I stayed home in bed just about all day today. I wasn’t throwing up sick or anything like that I just had absolutely no energy and believe it or not but I didn’t even feel like checking my redbubble sight but about once or twice! Now, that’s sick, friends!
During the course of the day I held many conversations with myself inside my bald head. Mixed in with my own thoughts were the comments we’ve made (my family and I) trying to keep the moment light.
“Hey, mom – if you’re still bald in the fall can the football team rub your head for luck before every game?” queried Lee, the comedian.
“Oh, sure, honey. Anything for the Moguls!” I replied.
“Sweetie, when you go to the store can you get some hair-spray?” asked my husband. “Oh, yea,” he added “you might want to pick up some end dust for yourself.”
“Hey, mom,” yelled Jay the soon to be graduate, “they’re advertising an old movie on TV called “Cone Heads” and you look just like Dan Akroyd.”
“No, she doesn’t,” said daughter Andrea, “she looks like the old tv character Kojak.”
“Guess what?” came an incredulous yell from somebody, “Cameron Diaz shaved her head today for some movie – who would want to do that?”
(Hey, I’m in good company & and when it comes to Cameron Diaz Bald IS Beautiful!)
“Sure am glad it’s summer time or my head sure might get cold.” I thought.
This morning I emailed my sister-in-law Joy “Hey, sis – remember that good looking straw hat your mom used to have. You know – the one that folded up and stayed in a box and when she put it on it looked like a china man’s hat. Well, do you think you could find it and send it to me to wear.” Came the heated reply (yes, I could actually feel the heat over the computer) – “No, I will NOT find that stupid hat for you!” (I think Joy and I actually might have thrown it away many years ago so we wouldn’t be embarrassed at the beach when Granny broke that thing out!)
“Honey, when you get out of the tub you might try buffing your head with the towel,” came my smarty-pantsed husband’s quick notion.
“Oh, Lord, Mom – don’t stand under that light – the glare is horrible,” said Andrea.
“Where do I stop with the make-up?” I wondered. “Should I use facial toner on my head so as not to get head wrinkles?” “Is there any need for shampoo or do I just use soap?”
“Hey, add one big hoop earring, an eye patch and you could be a pirate with that red bandana on,” said Lee.
“What’s taking you so long in the bathroom?” asked hubby. “You sure can’t be spending time on your hair style!”
I don’t know why but in the back of my mind I keep hearing the old jingle, “Mr. Clean. Mr. Clean. Mr. Clean.”
(Please continue to pray for Trey, Tyler and my little friend Lauren.)